Factors that Affect Seed Germination

Seeds are considered as the basic and primary element of food grains. It is the source from which a seedling and then a plant or a crop grows out. Seed Germination is the process of plant reproduction, where the population of certain plants or crops increases over a specific period of time.

Seed Germination is a very significant phase in plant production as it indicates the commencement of growth of an embryonic plant in a resting condition inside the seed. This resting period is termed as dormant stage. Since seed study and seed germination are not as simple as they imply, it is not a surprise that seed biology is one of the most extensively researched areas in plant physiology.

A fully developed seed contains an embryo and is wrapped inside the protective seed coat. It doesn’t imply that all seeds will germinate and grow into a seedling and sapling. Seeds, which lack embryo growth, are empty seeds which will never germinate. But seeds don’t germinate until the circumstances are favorable for growth.

Seed germination depends on so many external factors and environmental conditions that boost the initiation of metabolic processes and cell growth. Under favorable conditions, the seed begins to germinate and the embryonic tissues resume growth, developing towards a seedling.

Seed germination succeeds only if extra care is given in the selection of seeds to choose the fully grown mature seeds and creating the perfect ambience which is the most favorable for the process. There are many factors, both internal and external, which affect seed germination. The internal factors and variables which affect seed germination might vary from plant to plant while some of the most dominant external factors are temperature, water, oxygen and light or darkness.

These ecological and environmental conditions must be suited for both natural and artificial seed germination. In case of artificial seed germination, the chosen seeds will be kept under a constant observation inside seed germinators by adjusting the temperature, humidity and light in the favor of cell growth.

Water is another main element which accelerates the process of seed germination. But the catch lies in supplying all the elements in proper proportions which are required by each seed variety so that seed germination is always productive.

Most of scientists and researchers engaged in studies, related to seed and plant physiology, depend on seed germinators to replicate the desired environment conditions suited for maximum seed germination and the modern-day seed germinators guarantee that they serve the purpose in the most successful manner.

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Significance of Refrigerated incubator

Incubators are standard laboratory equipments which is found common place in any experimental or scientific research laboratories in diverse domains like chemical engineering, pharmaceutical, micro biological and other related areas. It is the use of perfect equipments which provides a controlled environment for temperate and humidity setting as per the requirements of any project.

But with the advances in the field of technology came the need for specialization too. Thus, now-a-days, Refrigerated Incubators are also gaining importance in the industrial and research space of different domains of the economy. Even though refrigerated incubators are used for specific research purposes, they can also be used for any application that requires a temperature setting at or below the ambient temperature of the laboratory.

Refrigerated incubators are widely used in applications requiring illumination and precise temperature control and uniformity over a broad temperature range. These lab equipments are also called B.O.D. Incubators or Low Temperature Incubators which are specially designed for B.O.D. Determinations, Plant and Insect Studies, Fermentation Studies, and Bacterial Culturing. Along with providing a precise control over temperature, it also enables the selection of low temperature option or refrigeration which a standard incubator cannot provide.

Refrigerated incubators also keep a tab on the CO2 and humidity levels which are very significant factors influencing tissue culture or chemical reactions in different domains of research and experimental activities. While a standard incubator is ideal for everyday applications that require temperatures between 5˚C above ambient to 65˚C, a refrigerated incubator is proven to be effective for applications that require temperatures ranging from -15˚C to 60˚C with an excellent stability.

Most of the B.O.D applications like waste water treatment and analysis require that the temperature should be kept under 20˚C. As more and more regulations are being imposed on water treatment plants and other related applications, refrigerated incubators are widely employed for creating the controlled temperature and humidity setting which is perfect for research and other commercial and industrial applications.

There are numerous brands which offer high quality performance-oriented refrigerated incubators of a world-class standard. The entire unit is digitally monitored and microprocessor controlled, thus enhancing usability and reliability of the equipment.

Most of the refrigerated incubators have automatic temperature cut-off limits, in case of reaching the maximum points. They are also available in standardized and customized models, enabling the customers to choose according to their needs and requirements.

ACMAS Technologies is a leading Manufacturer of Industrial & Lab Equipments For Various Applications Such As Food Science, Public Health & Medicine, Powder Containment, Forensic Drug Testing, Pharmacy & Health Sciences etc. for more information Visit acmasindia.com

Vacuum Oven and its Industrial Applications

Vacuum Ovens are widely used in research and development activities of various growing sectors including medical, agricultural, and industrial and research laboratories. Most of the experiments done in the laboratory set up require specific standards of temperature or pressure levels to be maintained in a precise and accurate manner in order to guarantee the successful completion of any project undertaken by scientists. This requirement leads to the demand of specialized equipments and instruments that satisfy the experimental needs for the development of industrial environment.

A vacuum oven provides the perfect controlled environment of a lower boiling point as well as a very low pressure setup, which is best, suited for drying treatments in manufacturing and chemical industries. With the help of a superior vacuum oven, it is possible to conduct drying treatment at a lower temperature for specimens that cannot be treated by conventional high-temperature drying. Not only that, the heating up of chemicals may leave traces of toxic residues which might be hazardous. But as the Vacuum oven has gas exchange modes which enable drying of oxidation-averse specimens, drying and heat treatment inside the vacuum oven will be always completed within a clean environment by eliminating impurities in the chamber through repeated heat treatments or gas exchanges.

Vacuum ovens can be considered as versatile laboratory equipments with so many diverse industrial applications. These are also used in electronics industry, which is in its heights of development, where vacuum ovens play a key role in electronic component production. These are also used as a deforming agent while mixing silicone rubber or resins in LED production, to reduce aerating effect during resin forming, hardening when injecting epoxy for hybrid ICs, or drying electronic components after washing.

Most of the modern day vacuum ovens used for industrial purposes are very easy to use and deliver high degree of performance by setting the temperature levels within the desired limits in precise meters. The digital controls and the double-layered interior walls equip the device to attain temperature uniformity which is mandatory for many industrial applications. While the temperature is set to maximum heat, the airtight doors of the vacuum ovens make sure that the surrounding areas are not affected by the increased temperatures and prevent any leakage of air from inside.

The high-tech insulation technology also reduces the power consumption levels leading to less use of energy. Vacuum oven is generally available in two models, round-shaped and also in rectangular shape.

ACMAS Technologies is a leading Manufacturer of Industrial & Lab Equipments For Various Applications Such As Food Science, Public Health & Medicine, Powder Containment, Forensic Drug Testing, Pharmacy & Health Sciences etc. for more information Visit acmasindia.com

Types of Spectrophotometer

Research and experiments are an integral part of scientific laboratories, which helps in inventing of new principles or helps in shaping new dimensions and practical applications to an existing scientific theory or principle.


Spectrophotometer, which is the study of the reflection or transmission properties of a substance as a function of wavelength, is one of the main principles in the domain of Physics which helps in proving the Beer’s Law. According to Beer’s law, the amount of light absorbed by a medium is proportional to the concentration of the absorbing material or solute present. During the process, the transmittance or reflectance of the substance is measured through the careful geometrical and spectral consideration using a Spectrophotometer.


Basically, a Spectrophotometer consists of three main elements— a light source, some means for directing the light to an object, and another part to receive the reflected light from the object. The intensity of the light received is measured as a function of its wavelength using the Spectrophotometer. This is done by diffracting the light beam into a spectrum of wavelengths. The intensity of the wavelengths is detected by a charged coupled device and the detector displays the results.


In the latest Spectrophotometers, more advanced techniques are employed to analyze the data and some even come with an in-built CPU to speed-up the entire process and also in obtaining a precise and accurate data.


Spectrophotometers which are currently available in the market can be differentiated on the basis of the difference in their method of working. Mainly, the distinction can be done on the basis of factors like the various techniques employed for measuring wavelength, the range of wavelength that each spectrophotometer can work with, the method used to create a spectrum and the sources of intensity variation.


Being said that, spectrophotometers can be generally divided in to two main classes— Single beam and double beam. Single beam which was invented first is much cheaper as the entire system and process is very simple. It allows all the light to pass through the sample to measure the light intensity. The main advantages of the single beam design are low cost, high throughout, and hence high sensitivity, because the optical system is simple.


The double beam instrument design aims to eliminate the drift by measuring blank and sample virtually simultaneously which is also its main advantage. But it comes with a higher price and less reliability and sensitivity due to the complexity involved in the procedure. There is also a lesser known class of Spectrophotometer called the Split Beam.


Even it is similar to the double beam Spectrophotometer, it uses a beam splitter instead of a chopper to send light along the blank and sample paths. All these are used in different domain of modern science like physics, chemistry and astronomy and various other industrial applications like in the field of Chemical, Pharmaceuticals, Automobiles and Semi-conductors.

ACMAS Technologies Is a Leading Manufacturer of Industrial & Lab Equipments for Various Applications IncludingBiochemical Testing, Sun Simulation, Sterilization, Moist Heat Sterilization, Dry Heat Sterilization, Aseptic Environment etc. for more information Visit acmasindia.com