Relevance of Seed Storage rooms

Seeds are the vital basic factor which promises the future of plants and crops. Therefore seed storage is a very sensitive and significant topic, not only for farmers and agriculturalist but for the world economy as a whole. A seed embodies the embryonic stage of a plant which will be grown in the future.

Its importance can be evaluated from varied perspective like industrial, commercial, economic and research-oriented purposes. All these factors has led to the development of Seed Storage Rooms which are specially designed to create a perfect environment which is suited for storing the seeds, even for long-term use.

The seeds, once germinated grow into seedlings and then into plants. But all the seeds may not have an embryo. So, seed selection is very important in seed biology. Farmers and agriculturalists have to face many challenges from seed harvest to sowing.

Seed storage rooms which integrate advanced technologies really help in solving several problems. Seed quality depends a lot on seed storage. It is high only if the seeds are stored in an optimum environment which prevents the decay or other related bacterial infections in the seeds. The seeds collected need to be stored for varying lengths of time, depending on the time of use, the availability of seeds of a certain crop, climatic conditions, soil fertility etc.

Certain seeds also undergo different treatments or enhancements like coated, primed, detailed etc., thus getting a short life span. Such seeds require special care even inside the seed storage rooms so that the quality remains intact. For large scale plant cultivators, seed inventory can be a costly investment. Any losses of seed quality can mean a poorer seed performance which has a direct adverse effect on the profit margins.

The environment in the seed storage rooms should be adjusted in such a way that there is a complete control on the temperature and the moisture or humidity level, considering that these are the two major factors affecting the seed quality.

Now-a-days, advanced seed storage rooms are available in the market which can be customized as per your specific requirements. They suit most of the industrial and research-oriented needs and meet the standards in providing the best possible seed quality and seed protection so that it is not exposed to elements which accelerate seed decay process. Therefore, seed storage rooms provide the perfectly environment conditions by controlling the temperature and humidity at desired levels.

ACMAS Technologies is a leading Manufacturer of Industrial & Laboratory Equipments for various Applications such as Endospore removal, Incubation, Cell/tissue culture, Vaccine formation/preservation, Hydroponic environment, Seed germination, artificial environment for dormant, seeds, Parental testing etc. for more information Visit

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