Types of Spectrophotometer

Research and experiments are an integral part of scientific laboratories which helps in the invention of new principles or helps in shaping new dimensions and practical applications to an existing scientific theory or principle. Spectrophotometry, which is the study of the reflection or transmission properties of a substance as a function of wavelength, is one of the main principles in the domain of physics which helps in proving the Beer’s law. According to Beer’s law, the amount of light absorbed by a medium is proportional to the concentration of the absorbing material or solute present. During the process, the transmittance or reflectance of the substance is measured through the careful geometrical and spectral consideration using a spectrophotometer.

Basically, a Spectrophotometer consists of three main elements: a light source, some means for directing the light to an object, and another part to receive the reflected light from the object. The intensity of light received is being measured as a function of its wavelength using the spectrophotometer. This is done by diffracting the light beam into a spectrum of wavelengths. The intensity of the wavelengths is detected by a charged coupled device and the detector will display the results. In latest spectrometers, more advanced techniques are employed to analyze the data and some even comes with an in-built CPU to speedup the entire process and also in obtaining precise and accurate data.

Spectrophotometers which are currently available in the market can be differentiated on the basis of the differences in its method of working. Mainly, the distinction can be done on the basis of factors like the various techniques employed for measuring wavelength, the range of wavelength that each spectrophotometer can work with, the method used to create a spectrum and the sources of intensity variation. Being said that, spectrophotometers can be generally divided in to two main classes: Single beam and double beam. Single beam which was invented first is much cheaper as the entire system and process is very simple. It allows all the light to pass through the sample to measure the light intensity. The main advantages of the single beam design are low cost, high throughput, and hence high sensitivity, because the optical system is simple. The double beam instrument design aims to eliminate the drift by measuring blank and sample virtually simultaneously which is also its main advantage. But, it comes with a higher price and less reliability and sensitivity due to the complexity involved in the procedure. There is also a lesser known class of spectrophotometer called the split beam. Even it is similar to the double beam spectrophotometer, it uses a beam splitter instead of a chopper to send light along the blank and sample paths. All these are used in different domain of modern science like physics, chemistry and astronomy and various other industrial applications like in the field of chemical, pharmaceuticals, automobiles and semiconductors.

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