Water Testing Scientific Equipments to Measure Water Quality

Pure and clean water for drinking as well as sanitation purposes is the basic right of each individual. With population explosion, like all the other natural resources, water is also getting scarce. The demand is increasing day by day while the supply is not rising accordingly.

The basic and primary purpose of water is to be used for drinking. Even though water appears clean and clear, it might not be safe to be used for drinking purposes. Water might be polluted by natural pollutants as well as by man-made pollutants. The man of source of water can be considered as ground water, surface water and rain water. All this water cannot be used for drinking purpose or for laboratory use just the way it is. It should be screened for natural contaminants and other artificial pollutants.


Man-made water pollution is caused by open defecation, dumping waste and garbage in water sources, poor agricultural practices, and chemical spills at industrial sites. Water also contains microbiological organisms like bacteria, viruses, and worms which might not be visible to the naked eye. If water is consumed as such, there will be many health risks which may prove fatal at a later stage. Not just that, the water from certain areas is quite high in chemical content, minerals, and other toxic metal ores. The main reason is that ground water moves through underground rocks and soils which are rich in chemical and metal content.


For laboratory use, water should be distilled and pure. Then only the researchers and scientists get expected results out of certain experiments and calculations. Hence, the only way to make sure that the available water is not contaminated by making the water subject to testing and treatment, which require scientific equipments that specialize in water testing.


Water Testing is the process where specialized and high-quality laboratory equipments are employed in sampling and analyzing water with respect to different parameters like chemical content, toxic level, presence of micro organisms, and human pollutants like litter, chemicals and fertilizers, household rubbish and sewage.


Depending upon the use of water, the testing becomes more complicated. Hence, world-class scientific equipments are required for water distillation as distilled water is used for chemical experiments and research, and also for medical and industrial use.


There are special equipments for distillation purpose and to check the turbidity of water. Drinking water should be free of pathogens and should have a low concentration of toxic chemicals. It should also be tasteless, odorless and colorless. All these can be assured only by the use of scientific equipments which are capable of measuring the water quality in a fast and accurate manner.

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